Baltimore City’s Response to the Opioid Epidemic

The Baltimore City Health Department is committed to preventing overdose deaths in Baltimore City. In 2021, Baltimore City saw 1079 drug and alcohol-related intoxication deaths, 973 of which were Fentanyl related. This is nearly triple the number of people who died of homicide during that same year. For more information, please visit the link here. 

Baltimore’s aggressive five-pronged strategy for responding to the opioid epidemic has been recognized nationally. When building and implementing our response, the Baltimore City Health Department has prioritized bringing community members to the table, as a community in crisis requires a community solution.

1. Save lives with naloxone

When administered to an individual experiencing an overdose, this antidote medication can take them from near-death to walking and talking in a matter of minutes. The first step in fighting the opioid crisis is the acute response: saving lives today by getting naloxone into the hands of first responders and bystanders alike. Learn about our naloxone programs, including the State's standing order, where to get naloxone, how to get trained, and more here.

2. Increase access to on-demand, evidence-based treatment

BCHD endorses evidence-based medication-assisted treatment (MAT), along with social and wraparound services to treat the disease of opioid addiction. For more information on where to receive treatment, treatment programs and partnerships, and more, click here.

3. Fight the stigma of addiction through education

Addiction is a disease. Similar to heart disease, addiction is preventable and treatable. For more information on fighting the stigma of addiction and educational materials about addiction, click here

4. Prevention

Prevention plays a vital role in combating the opioid epidemic. We aim to stop substance misuse before it begins through prevention and early intervention strategies that can reduce the impacts of substance use and mental health disorders. Our team's primary prevention focus is the emerging adult population in Baltimore City through our Kids Off Drugs Program. 

5. Data

We commit to investigating data and trends that inform health strategies to increase the quality of life for all residents of Baltimore.
