Tobacco Use Prevention and Cessation Program

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC), as of 2021, 28.3 million adults in the country smoke cigarettes. Of that number, 16 million people have a disease caused by smoking. 58 million people who do not smoke are exposed to secondhand smoke. Per the 2021 Maryland Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System(BRFSS), nearly 65,000 adults in Baltimore City smoke cigarettes. Based on the 2021 Youth Behavior Risk/Youth Tobacco Survey(YRBS/YTS), 3.6% of high schoolers and 1.4% of middle schoolers in Baltimore City also smoke. Tobacco is the main cause of preventable disease, disability and death. There are resources available at the Baltimore City Health Department to help you quit or prevent tobacco use. 

Tobacco Use Prevention and Cessation Program

The Baltimore City Health Department provides: 

  • smoking cessation services (to help people quit smoking)
  • community education
  • school-based anti-smoking projects
  • enforcement of rules prohibiting sales of tobacco to youth and other tobacco control ordinances



Community Health Educators

If you are a teacher or work with youth K-12 and you would like to:

  • request a speaker at your community organization 
  • get information about smoking cessation youth education

Contact Leslie McNeil, Youth Health Educator, K-12, at 410-396-3718 or email

If you work with adults and would like to: 

  • request a speaker at your community organization
  • get information about smoking cessation for adults

 Contact Letta Grant, Smoking Cessation Health Educator, at 410-361-9765 or email

Smoking Cessation

Smoking Cessation Classes: 

Smoking cessation classes are offered monthly at the Central Library and the Waverly Library. Please call the library to confirm dates and times of classes. 

  • Enoch Pratt Free Library – Central Library: (410) 396‑5430

  • Enoch Pratt Free Library – Waverly Library: (410) 396‑6053
Resources and Information

1-800-QUITNOW is a FREE service for Marylanders 13 years and older. It is sponsored by the Maryland Department of Health. The Quitline can help you quit any kind of tobacco use (cigarettes, cigars, or smokeless). You can talk to a live Quit Coach 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Counseling is provided in English, Spanish and other languages. 

Adults can text "READY" to 34191 and be connected to the Quitline service via text. Also, there are special incentives for pregnant women who call.  

The Live Vape Free program supports youth ages 13-17 years old who want to quit tobacco(including vaping). This FREE service specializes in FREE counseling for teens and young adults. To connect, text "VAPEFREE" to 873-373.

You can call 311 to: 

  • Report an illegal sale of cigarettes,
  • Request that an officer visit a local retailer to check on the sale of tobacco products to people under the age of 21, or
  • Report the placement of tobacco products within reach of young customers.

Additional Information: 


Did you know there are app that you can use to help you quit smoking? Download any of the following apps today:

  • QUITGuide
  • quitSTART
  • QuitNow!
  • My QuitBuddy
  • Alive