Falls are the leading cause of injury and hospitalization for people over 65, and the rate of falls in Baltimore is 13% higher than the national average. To prevent injuries and suffering and to promote the independence of older adults in Baltimore City, the Baltimore City Health Department (BCHD), in collaboration with community partners across the city, launched the Baltimore Falls Reduction Initiative Engaging Neighborhoods and Data (B’FRIEND) in April 2018.

Falls Prevention Strategy - Read BCHD's strategy to reduce falls among older adults in Baltimore City.          

Baltimore City Senior Centers Calendars - View a calendar of fall prevention events hosted by BCHD and our community partners.

B'FRIEND Data and Maps

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A key aspect of B’FRIEND is the use of data to better understand serious falls by older adults. The use of data guides innovative prevention efforts, ensures they are implemented in the right places, and allows for effective monitoring.

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