In home care

These programs help those who need personal or financial assistance, information about long-term planning, or supportive services at home.

Adult Evaluation and Review Services
This program conducts comprehensive evaluations that identify the psychosocial and medical needs of older adults and adults with disabilities. Based on the evaluation, a trained nurse social worker will develop an individualized plan of care with recommendations and linkages to community resources and services. For more information, call 410-396-6006.

Senior Care
This program provides case management and helps with everyday activities such as bathing, dressing, laundry, medication supplies to older adults. For more information, call 410-396-2273.

Home- and Community-Based Waiver
Individuals who qualify for a nursing home level of care, but wish to remain in their communities can receive in-home assistance, services, and resources through the community-based waiver programs (Community First Choice, Community
Options Waiver, Community Personal Assistance Services). Individuals are assigned a support planner to assist with developing their plan, which will include resources that address identified needs. For more information, call 410-396-2273.

Nurse Monitoring Services
Registered nurse monitors are assigned to individuals receiving home- and community- based waiver services to ensure waiver-covered services are delivered in a favorable and safe manner. The nurse monitor makes home visits in accordance with the plan of service to review records and assess the individual. The nurse monitor can make recommendations for changes to an individual’s plan of services. For more information, call 410-396-2273.

Family Caregiver Support Program
This program provides counseling, classes, respite care, and referrals to people who are unpaid caregivers of a senior or an adult with disabilities. For more information, call 410-396-1337.

Senior Companion Program (SCP)
This program is available for older adults who are homebound and unable to take advantage of community-based opportunities for socialization. People who qualify for this program will be visited in their own homes by another older adult for regularly scheduled visits. For more information, call 410-396-2273.

Home Delivered Meals
This program delivers meals to homebound adults who are unable to shop for or prepare their own meals due to a physical or mental condition. For more information, call 410-558-0827.

Money Follows the Person
This program helps nursing home residents who want to transition back to life in the community or into an assisted living facility. Individuals must be at least 18 years of age, and meet criteria for specific community-based services. For more information, call 410-396-2273.

Senior Assisted Living Group Home Subsidy Program
This is a community-based, housing subsidy program for medically and financially eligible individuals over the age of 62 who reside in assisted living facilities that have a contract with the City of Baltimore. For more information, call 410-396-2273.