Overview for Air Monitoring Contractor Applicants

Pursuant to Title 8, Subtitle 1, Part II of the Baltimore City Health Code (“Baltimore Clean Air Act”), the Baltimore City Health Department (BCHD) is certifying entities to serve as Air Monitoring Contractors. Air Monitoring Contractors must be certified prior to being hired by regulated Commercial Solid Waste Incinerators within the City. 

Requirements and Scope of Work


Applicants capable of fulfilling the requirements of the Baltimore Clean Air Act may be a single contractor, a single contractor with subcontractors, or a partnership of co-applicants.  Applicants must be capable of providing all of the below-mentioned services, including the performance of regular inspections, and the development of software capable of capturing and disseminating CEMS data and stack test data, both historical and that which is collected in service as an Air Monitoring Contractor.

Please note that even if certified, an applicant may be disqualified by virtue of a conflict of interest (§ 8-124 (b) of the Baltimore City Health Code). *As of September 5, 2019, an application fee is still pending approval by the Board of Estimates.*

The installation of CEMS and provisions for the public dissemination of data, as detailed below, shall be completed and ready for use by September 18, 2020.

Scope of Work:

An air monitoring contractor shall be charged with designing, installing, operating, and maintaining continuous emissions monitoring systems (CEMS), reporting emissions data and violations to the Health Department, displaying and archiving emissions data on a public website, and periodic inspections.

The scope of work shall include the following tasks and deliverables:

  • Design, install, operate, and maintain continuous emissions monitoring systems (CEMS) for the following air pollutants:
    • Dioxins/furans
      • Note: dioxins/furans must be measured at a point, after all air pollution control devices, where the exhaust gases have cooled to below 200 degrees centigrade.  Long-term sampling equipment may be used if real-time monitors are not commercially available, so long as year-round monitoring is still achieved through back-to-back use of long-term monthly samples.
    • Carbon dioxide (CO2)
    • Carbon monoxide (CO)
    • Hydrochloric acid (HCl)
    • Hydrofluoric acid (HF)
    • Nitrogen oxides (NOx)
    • Sulfur dioxides (SO2)
    • Particulate matter (PM)
    • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
    • Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
    • Arsenic
    • Cadmium
    • Chromium (VI)
    • Lead
    • Manganese
    • Mercury
    • Nickel
    • Selenium
    • Zinc
  • Receive daily reports from the incinerator of emissions data and reasons or any CEMS downtime
  • Report to the Health Department whenever any violations of emissions limits occur, at regular intervals specified by the Health Department, and upon request by the Health Department.
  • Display historic emissions data supplied by the incinerator on a public website.
  • Display daily emissions data from CEMS reporting on the same public website, including an easy to read graphical portrayal of the information, making it clear where emissions limits have been violated, with all data archived and easily accessible to the public.
  • Conduct periodic unannounced inspections of the CEMS equipment to ensure proper operation as needed, and at times and intervals chosen by the Health Department, no fewer than four times per calendar year.

Certified Air Monitoring Contractors

At present, the following entities are certified as Air Monitoring Contractors in Baltimore City pursuant to Title 8, Subtitle 1, Part II of the Baltimore City Health Code (“Baltimore Clean Air Act”):

  • Cemtek Instruments, Incorporated