Information accurate as of 03/13/2020.  This is a translation of a flow chart.  

First step: Triage Line (preferred) or Present to Office

If it is severe symptoms requiring ED evaluation

Patient referred to ED

  • Patient AND/OR Physician should CALL AHEAD to ED
  • Notify 911 operator of potential COVID019 case if ambulance called

If mild symptoms and meets prioritized disk factors*

COVID-19 testing can be performed per clinical judgement IF:

  • Tests available and
  • Proper PPE available at clinic

Must test through commercial lab and collect sample in clinic

If mild symptoms and does not meed prioritized risk factors*

COVID-19 testing can be performed per clinical judgement IF:

  • Tests available and
  • Proper PPE available at clinic

Must test through commercial lab and collect sample in clinic


No COVID-19 testing completed.

Patient recovers at home, receives counseling on isolation and reduces exposure to others, and guidance to call if symptoms worsen.

*Prioritized testing criteria listed in MDH Clinician letter 3/6/2020

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