A Minority Business Enterprise or "MBE" is a business that is owned, operated, and controlled by one or more minority group members who have at least 51% ownership, and is located in the Baltimore City Market Area. A minority is defined under Article 5, Subtitle 28 to include members of the following groups: African American, Hispanic American, Asian American, or Native American.
A Women's Business Enterprise or "WBE" is a business owned, operated and controlled by one or more women who have 51% ownership, and is located in the Baltimore City Market Area.
- Independently owned and operated business
- In operation 12 months before applying for certification
- Minority or women-owned for at least 12 months before applying for certification
- Have an operating office in the Baltimore City Market Area
Baltimore City Market Area includes:
- Baltimore City
- Baltimore County
- Anne Arundel County
- Howard County
- Carroll County
- Queen Anne's County
- Harford County
Every business needs to have a real, working place where they do business, and they should have employees in that area. Sometimes, we visit businesses without warning to check if this rule is met. If a business doesn't meet this rule, they might not get certified, or their certification could be taken away. We will carefully check businesses that use virtual addresses.
We welcome MDOT certified businesses with an operating office within the Baltimore City geographical market area to apply for MBE/WBE certification.
Applying for Certification
Certification applications are completed online for new certifications and certification renewals. SMBA&D typically completes the review of applications within 60 days. MBE/WBE certifications by SMBA&D are valid for two (2) years.
Required Documents and Codes
Depending upon the type of services rendered, some businesses do require Maryland State-issued licenses (i.e. construction, insurance brokerage, professional engineering, etc.). Please be sure to know the qualifications required. Visit Maryland’s OneStop Portal to see a list of required professional and organizational licenses.
SMBA&D identifies a business’s services and/or goods using the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes, issued by the Federal SBA. All new businesses applying for certification in Baltimore City's MBE/WBE program must select its own NAICS codes to define their specific set of services. Our staff will not make these designations for a new business and failure to list this on the application will result in delays with processing or denial of your application. To acquire the NAICS codes, please visit the NAICS website.
Certification Decisions
Once SMBA&D has decided on your certification or renewal application, you will receive an electronic notice via email. SMBA&D does not mail hard copy certification certificates. Once certified, you should rely upon the SMBA&D active certification directory entry as proof of your valid certification status.
Please plan ahead and apply for or update your certification before bidding on an opportunity.
Continuing your work while waiting for renewal
If you are certified as an MBE/WBE and submitted a renewal application, your certification remains active until you receive a final determination regarding your renewal application. You will be advised of your right to protest a denial, seek review by the Certification Appeals Board, and the ability to seek judicial review of the final agency decision. The decision of SMBA&D is not a final decision until after the expiration of the applicable time for you to seek review.
Updating Your Information
You must keep all business information updated with SMBA&D. MBE/WBE subcontractors can fill out update requests at https://baltimorecity.diversitycompliance.com/.
These updates include:
- Change of address
- Contact information
To add new NAICS codes for your business, you will need to request the expansion at https://baltimorecity.diversitycompliance.com/. Please submit all the required documents. All notices regarding your certification status will be sent via email.
Certification vs. Pre-qualification
Pre-qualification and certification are different processes.
Certification is simply the process of The Minority and Women's Business Opportunity Office certifying firms as MBE or WBE.
Pre-qualification is when the City's Office of Boards and Commissions (the "Office") checks to see if a contractor can do the work. The Office creates a capacity rating based on financial information. This rating helps the city feel confident that the contractor has the skills and resources needed to complete a contract.
All construction-related contractors and design consultants bidding to perform services of $50,000 or more must be prequalified by OBC. To become prequalified, consultants and contractors must submit completed applications.
Call the Office of Boards and Commissions at (410) 396-6883 to obtain a pre-qualification application.