Overview of the HIV Planning Group and Commission

Formerly the Baltimore City Commission on HIV/AIDS (2002), the Baltimore City HIV Planning Group and Commission (HPG) is the official HIV prevention planning body for the City of Baltimore.  The restructured and repurposed HPG was sworn in on November 5, 2014, by Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake. 

The HPG is composed of key stakeholders directly involved in the continuum of HIV care, including representatives from charitable organizations, businesses, faith and recovery communities, community-based organizations, universities, the criminal justice system, persons with and those affected by HIV, physicians, and prevention, treatment, and mental health providers. In alignment with the goals of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy, The maryland Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plan, and the Baltimore City Ending the HIV Epidemic Plan,  the HPG is entrusted with providing guidance on HIV prevention and care activities for the City.  This includes:

  • Identifying gaps in current HIV prevention services
  • Engaging in a result-oriented process to identify strategies to reduce the HIV burden in populations that are at increased risk for HIV
  • Providing policy and programmatic recommendations and guidance on efficient and effective HIV prevention and treatment  interventions to address gaps
  • Providing leadership in developing, implementing, and monitoring the strategic plan for addressing HIV/AIDS in the City

2024 Meetings

Currently HIV Planning Group and Commission Meetings are held virtually. Meetings are being held on:  

  • Thursday, October 17, 2024 | 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

  • Thursday, December 19, 2024 | 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

To attend any of the HIV Planning Group and Commission Meetings, please email: BCHD.std-hivpreventi@baltimorecity.gov 

Work Groups 

  • Aging and Long-term Survivors- To identify, address, and advocate for the emergent and long-standing needs of persons who are aging with HIV
  • EHE, Health Equity and Social Justice- To guide and monitor the implementation of the Baltimore City Ending the HIV Epidemic Plan and to advocate for the assurance of the conditions that lead to optimal health for persons with and those at increased vulnerability to HIV 
  • HIV Policy and Research- To identify, address, and advocate for HIV-specific policies that impact the lives of people with HIV and disseminate information on current HIV-related research
  • Corrections and Juvenile Justice –  To identify news, and address and advocate for for the provision of HIV education, prevention, and care linkage among persons housed within the corrections systems
  • Faith-based Partnerships – To rally the faith community to serve as a voice in the fight against stigma and discrimination, as well as lead in HIV prevention efforts
  • Youth & Young Adults – To guide the engagement of youth and young adults aged 13-29  in the development and improvement of access to youth-centered HIV/STI prevention and care services in Baltimore City
  • Harm Reduction and Drug User Health- To identify, address, and advocate for access to harm reduction services for people who inject drugs and the engagement of treatment facilities in HIV prevention and care


Baltimore City Health Department
Bureau of HIV/STD Services
1001 E. Fayette Street 
Baltimore, MD 21202

Phone:  410-396-4448
Email: BCHD.std-hivpreventi@baltimorecity.gov