Heart disease is the top cause of death in Baltimore City. Heart disease is a disease of the heart and blood vessels. It can lead to a heart attack or stroke. A stroke occurs when something blocks blood supply to part of the brain or when a blood vessel in the brain bursts. However, there are ways to lower your risk for heart disease and stroke. Heart disease and stroke are both types of cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular diseases are heart and blood vessel disorders. If you have high blood pressure, you are at greater risk for developing cardiovascular disease. 

Here are some suggestions and resources for preventing cardiovascular disease. 

Reduce how much salt(sodium) you eat.

Good to know:

  • Most of the sodium that we consume comes from packaged and restaurant food.
  • It is recommended that adults eat less than 2300 mg (one teaspoon) of salt per day.
  • When sodium intake is reduced, blood pressure decreases, too. 
  • Hidden salt is contained in processed foods like: cold cuts and cured meats, bread, and savory snacks.

To do:

  • Read the 'nutrition facts' label before you purchase a food item.
  • Avoid high-salt condiments like soy and barbecue sauces, salad dressing, ketchup, and mustard.
  • To add flavor, cook with herbs, spices, citrus, garlic, and onions.

More information:

Quit smoking

Tobacco use causes many people to develop cardiovascular disease. Tobacco use shortens the lives of people with cardiovascular disease and cancer. It is the reason for 25% of deaths from cardiovascular disease. Outreach, education, and cessation services are designed to reduce tobacco use.  

1-800-QUITNOW is a FREE service for Marylanders 13 years and older. It is sponsored by the Maryland Department of Health. The Quitline can help you quit any kind of tobacco use (cigarettes, cigars, or smokeless). You can talk to a live Quit Coach 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Counseling is provided in English, Spanish and other languages. 

Adults can text "READY" to 34191 and be connected to the Quitline service via text. Also, there are special incentives for pregnant women who callQuitNow

Community Resources:

Baltimore City has a number of resources for older adults. These resources act as tools for cardiovascular and diabetes management and prevention.

  • Fitness centers
  • Health education classes
  • Medicaid waivers
  • Pharmacies offering home delivery
  • Meal preparation
  • Recreation and leisure activities

For information on community resources in Baltimore City for older adults, caregivers, and persons with disabilities please visit the following link: BCHD Community Resources 2024

For more resources on tobacco, follow this link.
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