Baltimore City Health Department Health Equity Assessment

The Baltimore City Health Department (BCHD) Equity Assessments are evaluations used by the department to identify and address disparities in health outcomes among different populations. Through the assessments, key focus areas included gathering quantitative and qualitative data, identifying gaps in health and access to services, community engagement, identifying barriers, and recommendations. The Health Equity Assessments help to identify informed strategies that promote fair opportunities that are inclusive. 

Year 2 Assessment


Year 3 Assessment

BCHD Equity Results Based Accountability Framework

External Health Equity Subcommittee Results and Performance Measures

Result: Health Equity in All Policies

Performance Measures

  • Percentage diversity ratio of boards/task forces that resemble the community that we serve (how well)
  • Number and percentage of grants awarded to communities that are marginalized (under-resourced) (better off)
  • Number and percentage of health-related services in communities that are marginalized (under-resourced) (difference made)

Internal Health Equity Committee Results and Performance Measures

Result: BCHD Employees Have Equitable Pay

Performance Measures

  • Percentage of internal promotions (how well)
  • Retention rate (how well)
Result: BCHD Employees are Culturally Competent

Performance Measures

  • Number of employees trained on Cultural Competency (how much)
  • Satisfaction survey on Cultural Competency (how well)
  • Number and percentage of employees who increased knowledge, skills (better off)
Result: BCHD Staff are a Reflection of the Community We Serve

Performance Measures

  • Number and percentage of internal promotions (better off)
  • Retention rate (how well)
  • Percentage of specific employees hired (how much)