Chronic Disease Prevention

A chronic disease is a disease that you have for at least one year and requires you to see a doctor regularly. It can be a disease that limits what you can do daily. Chronic disease prevention focuses on reducing the incidence and impact of diseases that persist over long periods and can affect an individual's quality of life. Effective prevention strategies aim to address risk factors, promote healthy behaviors, and enhance early detection and management. Click on the chronic diseases below to learn more about programs and resources within the Baltimore City Health Department (BCHD).


The BCCHEC is a diverse group of public health professionals and representatives of non-profits, community-based, faith-based, academic, federally qualified health centers, and hospitals that come together on a quarterly basis to address cancer and associated health disparities.

Diabetes Prevention

Odds are you know at least one person with diabetes and the chances that you know one of the 86 million Americans with prediabetes is even greater. The thing is, only 9 million of the 86 million people with prediabetes know they have it.  15% to 30% of those people with prediabetes will develop type 2 diabetes within 5 years. Type 2 diabetes can be prevented if caught in the stage of prediabetes. By developing and maintaining healthy lifestyle changes prediabetes can be reversed. 

Heart Disease & Stroke

Baltimore City Health Department has several initiatives to reduce the prevalence of cardiovascular disease (CVD), stroke, and diabetes among Baltimore City minority residents through increased access to health information, cardiovascular screening, and referrals to care.

Food Access

As reported by the United States Department of Agriculture, consumer choices about food spending and diet are likely to be influenced by the accessibility and affordability of food retailers—travel time to shopping, availability of healthy foods, and food prices.  Some people and places, especially those with low income, may face greater barriers in accessing healthy and affordable food retailers, which may negatively affect diet and food security.

Baltimore City Health Department’s mission is to serve Baltimore by promoting health and advocating for every individual’s well-being to achieve health equity for all residents.  One way this is accomplished is through Baltimarket.

Tobacco & Smoking Cessation

The Baltimore City Health Department provides smoking cessation services, community education, school-based projects, and enforcement of retailer compliance with tobacco control ordinances.