How to use Narcan:

  • Try to wake them
    • Yell and ask the person if they are okay and do a sternum rub (take your fist and rub their chest)
  • Call for help
    • Call 911 and let them know there is a person that is unresponsive, and your location
  • Administer Narcan
    • Place the hozzle in either nostril and push the plunger upward.  Wait at least 60 seconds before giving the second dose.
  • Rescue Breaths
    • Tilt their chin.  Plug their nose with one hand.  Blow enough air into their lungs to make their chest rise.  Give one breath every 5 seconds.
  • Recovery Position
    • Place them on their side so they don't choke from vomiting (automatic withdrawal sympton from Naloxone)

Here 2 Help Hotline:

Call 988

Call the 24/7 hotline if you or a loved one needs assistance finding treatment and support services.

For more information or naloxone or trainings please email or call 410-396-3733