The Bureau of Revenue Collections has the responsibility to collect all revenue owed to the City of Baltimore through various taxes, fines, fees, and penalties.

The Bureau is organized into six departments that include: 

  • Administration 
  • Revenue Compliance 
  • Cash Processing 
  • Refunds and Adjustments 
  • Licensing and Miscellaneous Taxes 
  • Delinquent Accounts 
  • Customer Service 

Contact Info

The Bureau maintains a call center to address any payment or billing questions that a customer may have. You may reach the Bureau of Revenue Collection by calling 410-396-3000.  You may also email the bureau at

Physical Address

Citizens may also visit the bureau at the Abel Wolman Municipal Building.  The address is:

200 Holliday Street

Baltimore, MD 21202.


You Can Lower Your Real Property Tax Payment

If you pay by July 31st, you will receive a discount. If you pay by September 30th, you will avoid paying interest and penalties.

Public Notice - Intake Sheet

Our office no longer uses or accepts the “State of Maryland Instrument Intake Sheet."  A new intake sheet must be submitted with every document that is submitted to our office for processing.  In addition, the Transfer and Recordation Tax Unit will be following new policies and procedures regarding deeds that are conveying multiple properties.

If a deed is conveying multiple properties, for example, a condominium and a parking space or a property and a “descriptive” lot, then all of the properties must be clearly identified in the deed and on the intake sheet. Furthermore, if the properties have their own unique parcel numbers (block and lot), a lien sheet must be obtained for each and every parcel number. By law, all liens must be satisfied prior to transfer. If a deed has been recorded and subsequently it is found that a parcel was erroneously omitted because it was not clearly identified and/or a lien sheet was not obtained, then the omitted property will not be transferred until the responsible party (i.e. title company, attorney, or whoever handled the settlement) obtains a lien sheet and pays all open liens.

Notice to Secured Creditors

Parties with security interests in personal property for which the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore has a lien should direct any notices pursuant Tax-Property §14-805 to "Chief, Bureau of Revenue Collections, 200 Holliday St. Rm. 7, Baltimore, MD 21202."