Debt Types

General obligation debt

The City can issue general obligation debt subject to the Board of Finance, City Council, the Baltimore Delegation to the General Assembly of Maryland, and the voters of the City approval.  This debt is backed by the full faith, credit, taxing power of the City.  The City is obligated and directed by law to levy ad valorem taxes in rate and amount sufficient to pay the debt on the bonds.

Tax increment financing

Tax Increment Financing (TIF) is an important and useful tool available to Baltimore City to encourage development of certain projects that are desirable and in the public interest, and that would not occur without assistance from the City.

Bond Ratings

Long-Term Bond RatingsMoody's RatingStandard & Poor's Rating
General Obligations BondAa2AA
Water Senior LienAa2A+
Wastewater Senior LienAa3AA-
Water Subordinate LienAa3A
Wastewater Subordinate LienA1A+
Stormwater Senior LienAa2AA-


Comprehensive Bond Listing


Recent Independent Registered Municipal Advisor (“IRMA”) Exemption Letter


Recent Debt Study
