
Demolition permits cover work for interior and exterior demolitions, within both residential and commercial buildings, and for moving structures into or within Baltimore City.


Interior Demolition

Interior demolition permits cover work such as tearing down cabinetry, replacing floors, removing plasters, and taking down non-bearing walls, ceiling and, walls. The requirements and documents depend on whether the property is residential or commercial, and whether interior demolition affects the structure or foundation of the building. 


Non-structural interior demolition that does not affect the building's foundation or structural integrity

Select this category when applying in the ePermits system:

  • Residential: Minor interior / interior demo / exterior alterations (drawings NOT required)

Need contractor information:

  • If removing up to 1/3 of structural elements on any level (interior demolition category III):
    • contractor’s name and registered license

Special Requirements

Additional Resources

Interior demolition affecting the structural integrity of the residential building’s foundation or physical structure

Select this category when applying in the ePermits system:

  • Residential: Interior / exterior alterations (or demolition) (drawings to scale may be required)

Documents required for:

  • Structural alterations: floor plan, how supporting floor on cross-section, and all other construction-related details
  • Non-structural alterations: existing and proposed floor plans, partition walls, and all other construction-related details
  • Gut Rehab: floor plans, cross-section, and all other construction related details
  • Required drawings made to scale by work 

Need contractor information:

  • If removing up to 1/3 of structural elements on any level (interior demolition category III):
    • contractor’s name and registered license

Special Requirements

Additional Resources

Non-Residential / Commercial 

Small non-structural demolitions (under 200 square feet) 

Select this category when applying in the ePermits system:

  • Non-Residential: Interior non-structural alterations (or demolition) < 200 sq ft (drawings to scale may be required)

Need contractor information:

  • If removing up to 1/3 of structural elements on any level (interior demolition category III):
    • contractor’s name and registered license

Special Requirements

Additional Resources

Work involving:

  1. Large non-structural interior demolition (over 200 square feet)

  2. Structural interior demolitions

Select this category when applying in the ePermits system:

  • Permit requiring plans review in the ePlans process

Special Requirements

Additional Resources

Exterior Demolition / Moving Structures

This permit category covers exterior demolitions or razing of residential and commercial buildings, accessory structures, and the moving of buildings or structures into or within Baltimore City.

Work involving:

  1. Demolition of buildings and accessory structures

  2. Moving Buildings


Select this category when applying in the ePermits system:

  • Razing or moving building/structure permit

Documents Required

Need contractor information:

  • Contractor’s name and registered license, unless you are an owner demolishing your own residential detached garage or shed

Special Requirements

Additional Resources


Other Categories

For more details, guidelines, and documents, please choose the category below that best matches the work you need a permit for: