Owner and tenant responsibilities

  1. There is a property causing problems in my neighborhood. Whom should I call?
    Dial 311 to initiate action. After that, contact your assigned inspector for follow-up.
  2. When should I call the superintendent for my inspection district?
    Call the superintendent to schedule your neighborhood inspector for a community meeting.
  3. Who is the inspector responsible for my neighborhood?
    The Superintendent for your area office will be able to put you in touch with the inspector for your neighborhood. Click here to find contact information for your area office.
  4. How can I determine who owns the property?
    You can find the owner of record for any property by visiting the Maryland State Department of Assessment and Taxation's website. Visit our website to find the owner of record for any property currently under notice.
  5. How long does it take to correct a violation?
    All notices are orders for the recipient to correct the violation within a specified time, usually no longer than 30 days. If the responsible party fails to comply with the notice in a timely manner that person can be summonsed to Housing Court. You can check Baltimore Housing's website to see if a notice was referred for prosecution, and if so, what the result was. Please remember that some problems cannot be resolved through code enforcement. You are encouraged to contact your housing inspector for any information about a property under notice.
  6. Can I come to Housing Court? How do I find out about the trial date?
    Housing Court is open to the public. Community residents are encouraged to attend. Find out what properties in your neighborhood are scheduled for trial by visiting the Code Enforcement Docket Search form. Before attending Housing Court, contact our Legal Section first at 410-396-4140 so that we may notify you of any last minute changes.
  7. What can we do about vacant properties owned by HABC or the City?
    HABC has reviewed its entire inventory of vacant property and will be rehabilitating or conveying the viable properties and renovating the balance to new standards. The City is also conducting an assessment and plan for the disposition of City-owned properties. For more information, contact the Director of Asset Management and Disposition, at (410) 396-4111.
  8. Why does it take so long to resolve the housing violations in my neighborhood?
    Code enforcement, by law, is not a speedy process. However, to better serve your community, Baltimore Housing is now deploying inspectors by neighborhood. Your inspector will meet with you to learn the specific concerns of your community. While not every problem property can be resolved, your inspector will know what can be expected and how long it will take.
  9. Are landlord's required to provide garbage cans?
    Trash, garbage, or debris may not be stored or placed out for collection except in approved storage receptacles. The owner or operator of every occupied premises must arrange for a sufficient number of these storage receptacles to receive and store trash, garbage, and debris from individual units between days of collection. The receptacles must be maintained in a location accessible to occupants.
  10. Does it take a long time to get vacant properties cleaned and boarded?
    We are pleased to report that there is no backlog in the cleaning or boarding of vacant properties. If there is an existing vacant building notice on the property a referral will be made to the Department of Public Works and the property should be boarded within 6 days and cleaned within 21 days of your complaint.