Quarterly reports are required for all CDBG-funded subrecipient agreements, regardless of whether an activity took place.  Information obtained in the reports will be used to evaluate a subrecipient’s progress in meeting federal program requirements and contractual obligations. City staff will also use the quarterly reports as a tool to evaluate a program's effectiveness in providing services to low- and moderate-income persons and households and to ensure that programs are being carried out consistent with contractual commitments.

Submit 15 days after the end of each quarter

Form 1 – Activity Summary and Instructions

Form 2  - Race, Ethnicity and Income - PY 2020

Form 2 – Race, Ethnicity and Income – PY 2021

Form 2 - Race, Ethnicity and Income - PY2022

Form 2 - Race, Ethnicity and Income - PY2023

Form 2 - Race, Ethnicity and Income - PY2024

Form 3 – CDBG Housing Activity

Form 4 – Job Creation/Retention

Form 6 – Status of Funds

Form 7 – Fair Housing

Form 10 – Lead Remediation

PM Form 1 – Public Services/Public Facilities & Improvements

PM Form 2 – Housing Data

PM Form 3 – Economic Development

Form 12 - Housing Sales Construction Rehab Spreadsheet

Form 13 - Public Facilities Improvements Spreadsheet

Submit at end of the 4th Quarter only

Form 8 – Housing Counseling Agency Activity report

Form 9 – City MBE/WBE Utilization

PM Form 4 – Funding Sources – one for each activity

Submit Bi-Annually – December 2019 and June 2020. Groups with non-standard fiscal years must also submit at end of contract.

Form 11 – Employ Baltimore

Submit Annually – by December 15

Form 5 – Federal MBE