It's important to remember that the past, especially the history of slavery and unfair treatment of some people because of their race, has a big impact on how things are today. But we want to make sure that these old problems don't keep happening in the future.  

We care about making things better for everyone in the city. We want to fix the problems that have made some neighborhoods poor and lacking in good housing.  

To do this, we want to:  

  • Listen to what people in the community think and want when we plan how to improve neighborhoods.
  • Make sure that people don't have to leave their homes because the prices go up.
  • Help people who already own homes to stay in them.
  • Create more jobs and opportunities for people in Baltimore.  
  • Make sure that affordable housing is a top priority when we make neighborhoods better.  
  • Build a team of people who are good at their jobs and take responsibility for making things fair and right for everyone.

So, our goal is to make things fair and include everyone from the very beginning when we make improvements in our city.