The Department of Housing and Community Development in Baltimore City helps people in need fix up their homes. We can help with things like repairing the roof, fixing heating, plumbing, and electricity. 

We can provide help in the form of loans, which means you borrow money and pay it back later. Some of these loans might be forgiven or delayed, depending on your situation. There are also grants for things like fixing lead issues and making homes more accessible for people with disabilities. These grants don't need to be paid back, but you have to meet certain requirements to get them. 


Assistance is available only for eligible owner-occupied properties. 

Who is eligible? 

Applicants must prove ownership of the housing unit and meet the income guidelines listed below. 

Income Guidelines 

Number of People 
in Household 

Max Annual 









How do I apply? 

Apply online or complete a pre-application and send it to: 

LIGHT Intake & Assessment Unit 
417 East Fayette Street, Suite 1125 
Baltimore, MD 21202 

If you have any questions, please contact us at (410) 396-3023.