DHCD strengthens City neighborhoods by attracting investors, developers, and home buyers. Through the administration of CDBG, HOME, City bond funds, and other creative financing mechanisms, the Department finances, and guides strategic development projects to meet housing and neighborhood needs. 

DHCD offers financial and programmatic support for projects, especially for community-based developers and developers interested in increasing the supply of affordable housing in Baltimore City.

Community Development Block Grants

CDBG is a HUD program designed to give local jurisdictions power to distribute federal funds directly to non-profit and public agencies that support housing and public-service programs. CDBG’s primary objective is to develop viable communities by providing low- to moderate-income families with decent, affordable housing and to expand local economic opportunities.  DHCD is the authorized representative for the City of Baltimore regarding the oversight and management of the CDBG Program.

Affordable Housing

DHCD envisions a city of thriving neighborhoods with housing opportunities for people of all income levels in a wide variety of communities. To support this vision, the Office of Project Finance provides funding for the production of rental and for-sale housing opportunities in order to create decent, safe, and affordable housing for the citizens of Baltimore City.
DHCD coordinates several programs that provide funding to developers committed to providing affordable housing in Baltimore City, including the HOME Investment Partnership Program, and CDBG.

Community Catalyst Grants

DHCD’s Community Catalyst Grants (CCG) program complements the Neighborhood Impact Investment Fund and supports locally-driven community development work through neighborhood-based partner organizations.  Through the CCG program, capital and operating funds are available for community-driven revitalization efforts. CCG is a competitive awards program.  Funding rounds are announced at various intervals.