Active Plans and Notices

Five-year Consolidated Plan

The Consolidated Plan is a federally required document that guides and describes certain community development efforts in Baltimore City. This document serves as the application for funding for four Federal formula grant programs: Community Development Block Grants (CDBG); Home Investment Partnership (HOME); Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS (HOPWA); and Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG). In addition, a certified approved plan is required to apply for more than 17 housing and social service grant programs overseen by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

2020-2025 Draft Five-Year Consolidated Plan and 2021 Annual Action Plan

Annual Action Plans

The Annual Action Plan serves as the application to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for funding received through four federal formula grant programs:

· Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
· HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME)
· Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG)’ and
· Housing Opportunities for Person With AIDS (HOPWA)

The Annual Action Plans identify activities that will be undertaken to implement strategies included in the active Consolidated Plan.

Current Annual Action Plan

CFY 2024 Annual Action Plan - Draft
CFY 2024 Summary of Activities

Previous Annual Action Plans and Amendments

CFY 2023 Annual Action Plan
CFY 2022 Annual Action Plan
CFY 2021 Annual Action Plan (as submitted with the 2020-2025 Five-Year Consolidated Plan)
FY 2020 Annual Action Plan 
FY 2019 Annual Action Plan
FY 2018 Annual Action Plan
FY 2017 Annual Action Plan
FY 2016 Annual Action Plan

Amendments to Annual Action Plans

April 2023 Amendment
April 2022 Amendment
July 2021 Amendment
May 2020 Amendment
Amendments to FY2018 and FY 2017 Annual Action Plans

CARES Act (CV) Funding

CaresAct CV1 Amendment
Cares Act CV1 Amendment to Amendment
CV1 Revision 3 Amendment
CDBG-CV2 Application Package - submitted to MD DHCD
CARES Act CV 3 Amendment
CV1 Revison 4 Amendment

Citizen Participation Plan - 2020 CARES Act Revision - Final