DHCD's Public Information Officer, Brian Lasan, routes all Maryland Public Information Act (MPIA) requests for processing.  Please complete this Maryland Public Information Act Form Request  to request copies of records and email it to dhcd.mpia@baltimorecity.gov.

Please Note:  If your request involves a search for ANY outstanding fees and violations, a Lien Certificate must be applied for through an application process managed by the City's Finance Department.  

Need to get payoffs or releases for DHCD loans?

Loan Servicing Unit
Baltimore City Department & Housing and Community Development
Division of Homeownership and Housing Preservation
417 E. Fayette Street, Suite 1125
Baltimore, MD  21202

All news media MPIA requests regarding DHCD programming and services are processed through the Communications Department. Program-level staff are not authorized to process media requests on behalf of DHCD without authorization from Communications.

Please direct news media MPIA requests to:

Tammy D. Hawley
Chief of Strategic Communications
417 E. Fayette Street – 14th Floor
Baltimore, MD  21202
Telephone:  443-984-5753