The Open Bid Program offers interested homeowners and small developers the opportunity to invest in Baltimore City by purchasing and redeveloping individual or small bundles of city-owned properties. With more than 200 unique neighborhoods, Baltimore City is as diverse and magnificent as the people who call it home. While Baltimore's vacant and abandoned building stock is often viewed as a challenge, we see it as an opportunity. Cleaning up and redeveloping these properties can be a valuable investment and can help raise property values, create community amenities, increase local tax revenue, and attract new residents and businesses.

Are you interested in finding a diamond in the rough? Can you put on your rose-colored glasses? If you can, then we have the perfect opportunity for you. 

For the best investment you will ever make search and apply for properties available through Open Bid  using our interactive BuyIntoBmore site!

Below is the timeline you can expect once we receive your application and information about what criteria is used for the background check. 

Background Check Criteria:

  1.  $90,000 available for rehab per property applied for
  2.  Does the applicant own vacant building inventory older than two years
  3.  Does the applicant own vacant building inventory for less than two years without a recent open/active permit
  4.  Does the applicant have open or pending criminal cases that might result inability to complete project
  5.  Applicant does not have any open federal or state liens
  6.  Applicant does not have any open federal or state judgments
Open Bid Process