DHCD is posting two documents for public comment beginning August 15, 2024, and ending on September 15, 2024: Proposed Rules and Regulations and the draft Inclusionary Housing Program guidelines.  All comments must be submitted in writing to the addresses provided below.  No comments will be accepted after September 15.  Please note that two separate email addresses are provided: one for rules and regulations and one for the program guidelines.  In order to be considered, comments must be submitted to the correct email address provided under each document. 

All comments received for both the rules and regulations and the program guidelines will be maintained by DHCD.  DHCD, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to determine if comments will be publicly posted and/or answered.

Proposed Rules and Regulations

Proposed Rules and Regulations to the Inclusionary Housing Law are now available on the State’s COBRA website at: /media/18321.

Interested parties, including members of the general public, can submit written comments only between August 15-September 30, 2024.

Comments can be submitted by email to: InclusionaryHousing@baltimorecity.gov or by US mail to: The Department of Housing and Community Development, 417 East Fayette Street, 14th Floor, Baltimore, MD  21202 Attn: Stacy Freed. 

The purpose of this action is to establish rules and regulations related to the City of Baltimore’s Inclusionary Housing requirements.  These draft  regulations were initiated in accordance with City Code Article 13, Subtitle 2B.

The proposed regulations:

  1. Define terms used in the Inclusionary Housing law;
  2. Specify to what developments the Inclusionary Housing rules will apply;
  3. Establish standards for the number of Inclusionary Housing units required;
  4. Establish design and pricing standards for Inclusionary Housing units;
  5. Establish standards for Inclusionary Housing Plan development, submission, modification, and approval;
  6. Establish standards for determining and reporting Inclusionary Housing tenant eligibility;
  7. Establish standards for tenant selection and lease requirements; and
  8. Establish reporting requirements for developers and the Department of Housing and Community Development.

DHCD will provide an updated notice on its website when the rules and regulations are adopted.

Proposed Inclusionary Housing Program Guidelines

DHCD is making draft program guidelines to assist developers whose projects will be required to make inclusionary housing units available.  A copy of the guidelines can be found here.

Comments can be submitted by email to: Inclusionaryhousingsubmission@baltimorecity.gov or by US mail to: The Department of Housing and Community Development, 417 East Fayette Street, 14th Floor, Baltimore, MD  21202 Attn: Stacy Freed. 

The guidelines will remain in draft form pending the issuance of final rules and regulations

Ordinance 24-308, Inclusionary Housing for Baltimore City becomes operational on July 21, 2024.

Any residential housing projects that apply for a building permit on or after July 21, 2024, must submit an inclusionary housing plan in accordance with Section 2B-22(A) of the law.

Inclusionary housing requirements apply to projects that:

- Include 20 or more units
- Receive a major public subsidy OR Benefit from Significant land use authorization
- Are newly constructed, substantial rehab or converted from a non-residential housing use
- the cost of construction or conversion exceeds $60,000 per unit

The Law can be found here: Art 13 - Housing (28JUN24).pdf (baltimorecity.gov)