The Baltimore City Department of Housing and Community Development (“HCD”), acting on be-half of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, is issuing this Request for Proposal (“RFP”) in search of interested development teams to act as the Developer for Phase 1 of the Tivoly Triangle Redevelopment Area.

The “Tivoly Triangle” is a 9+ acre redevelopment opportunity in the Coldstream Homestead Montebello neighborhood located minutes from major employers and steps from premier recreational amenities. It is bordered by Harford Road, The Alameda, 28th Street, and Hillen Road in northeast Baltimore. The City of Baltimore began acquiring and demolishing distressed properties on the 2700 block of Tivoly Avenue in 2008, and today the entire block of Tivoly is now clear. The demolition of the 2700 blocks of Fenwick Avenue and Hugo Avenue are currently underway, in addition to the south side of 28th Street.