
DHCD is issuing this Request for Proposal (RFP) to seek qualified consultants with experience in the creation of comprehensive city-wide, data driven and equity informed housing plans. The purpose of this RFP is to identify a consultant, or team of consultants, that will deliver a Comprehensive Housing Framework & Plan. Key deliverables will include: an executive summary and a final report with detailed analyses of housing needs, equity analysis, and implementation plan – including necessary public & private capital. Based on this RFP, DHCD may select an applicant or applicant team, and negotiate and enter into a consultant agreement with such applicant or applicant team. The plan will be used by DHCD to inform its strategic planning for the production and preservation of affordable housing, as well as broader community development efforts over the next 15 years.

The Full RFP is available here.

Pre-Proposal Conference PowerPoint
Pre-Proposal Conference Recording
Responses to Questions

Key Dates

Event Due Date 
Issue Date March 20, 2023 
Pre-Proposal Conference April 5, 2023 
Deadline to Submit Written Questions April 10, 2023 
Responses to Questions & Pre-proposal Conference Recording Posted April 14, 2023 
Submission Deadline April 24, 2023  
Estimated Award Notification May 15, 2023 
Estimated Negotiation of Consulting Agreement and Approval by Board of Estimates June 6, 2023 for June 21, 2023 BOE meeting 
Contract begins July 1, 2023 

Submission Requirements

All proposals are required to submit the following:

  1. Letter of Submittal
  2. Scope of Work
  3. Technical Sample
  4. Experience & Capacity
  5. Price Proposal
  6. Financial Information
  7. Certification of Compliance
  8. Authorization to Submit
  9. Certifications and Disclosures

See Section 7 of the RFP for more details.

Pre-Proposal Conference 

DHCD will hold a pre-proposal zoom conference call on April 5, 2023 from 1:00pm-3:00PM EST.
Interested participants should register here:  

Contact Information
Any questions during the RFP posting time period can be submitted to DHCD_comprehensiveplan@baltimorecity.gov.

Applicants must electronically submit all required information to DHCD_comprehensiveplan@baltimorecity.gov with the heading “ DHCD Comprehensive Plan SOW” no later than April 24, 2023, 4:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.