Coldstream Homestead Montebello Community Conversation

 Coldstream Homestead Montebello Zoning Map

The Coldstream Homestead Montebello Community Conversation took place on Wednesday, June 7, 2023.

VIEW the PowerPoint Presentation
VIEW the Event Video

Coldstream Homestead Montebello Implementation Strategy

Coldstream Homestead Montebello Project Tracker - This Coldstream Homestead Montebello Project Tracker is connected and updated live from Google Sheets and managed by the DHCD representatives for each neighborhood.  The tracker includes development projects happening in the Coldstreatm Homestead Montebello Impact Investment area.

Baltimore City Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) wants to hear from you. Please complete the online survey and share with us your feedback. DHCD remains committed to supporting prospective and existing homeowners, renters and neighborhood stakeholders to ensure that they all benefit from rising values and improved neighborhood conditions. 

At the same time, the preservation and creation of quality, housing - both rental and homeownership - must be planned for at the outset to achieve successful mixed-income communities. Supporting existing and long-term residents will not be an after-thought.