Funding to move the study forward toward 30% design, was included in the 2024 CIP 

Druid Park Lake Drive Stats

Programmed public outreach for the DPLD Complete Streets Design effort ended on April 15, 2022. The funding that was available for this project, was to take us to 15% design, so without additional funding, the project cannot move to 100% design, environmental review, engineering, and construction. Since that time Project Managers Will Ethridge and Wes Mitchell have attended a handful of community association meetings to provide brief updates on the status of the project.

The final report and appendices are both available for review below (scroll down until you see a list of pdf documents).

If you’re interested specifically in resident responses to our online poll regarding the three concept designs that were presented, you’ll want to start with the Appendix on page 74 and go from there. In summary, we received 923 responses online with about 81% or 779 respondents indicating a preference for the single lane concept design. The other two concept designs did not break 50% favorability so there was a clear preference for the single lane concept from the community.

The appendices also contain records of all of our previous public meetings, who attended them, what questions were asked, and DOT’s responses to those questions, so there is a wealth of information available there.

 Currently, DOT is seeking out any and all sources of funding; private, state, federal, etc., to acquire the estimated $32-35 million dollars our consultant projected we would need to complete this project. Unfortunately this project was not completed in time to be considered as a part of the 2023-2024 Capital Improvements Budget, but we anticipate we will seek funding for it as a part of the 2024-2025 CIP budget request. If any funding is acquired for this project, or any grants or applications for funding are submitted on behalf of this project, we will be sure to announce that information via press release and on DOT’s website.

Druid Park Lake Drive Complete Streets
Feasibility Study Project Report
Druid Park Lake Drive Report pages 1-41PDF
Druid Park Lake Drive Report pages 42-82PDF
Druid Park Lake Drive Appendices pages 1-75PDF
Druid Park Lake Drive Appendices pages 76-89PDF
Druid Park Lake Drive Appendices pages 90-125PDF
Druid Park Lake Drive Appendices pages 126-200PDF
Druid Park Lake Drive Appendices pages 201-268PDF

Project Purpose:

Using a combination of previously completed studies of the area, current and future plans, analysis of current conditions, and input from the community, a future-minded design concept will be created that highlights neighborhood features and reconnects people to the park.  The Baltimore City Department of Transporation will: 

1.       Initiate a study and concept design for the two-mile corridor of Druid Park Lake Drive from the I-83 off-ramp to the second entrance of Greenspring Ave.

2.       Evaluate and identify opportunities for traffic calming and roadway enhancements to improve the corridor’s safety and accessibility for pedestrians, cyclists, and transit users reflecting concepts and guidelines outlined within the Baltimore City Complete Streets Draft Manual.

3.       Incorporate ways to embrace and reclaim the historic relevance of this area, while maintaining more of an aesthetically pleasing boulevard enhancement.


·       Identify areas of multimodal improvement

·       Develop methods for traffic calming

·       Identify areas for safer connections for those traveling outside of a car

·       Re-incorporate roadway sections to become part of the park  

·       Consider new circulation/ traffic patterns to highlight historical/structural elements from their original vantage points

·       Design a corridor that models a boulevard concept and incorporates aesthetic elements and ADA features

History of Druid Park Lake Drive:

Many residents of the Black and Jewish neighborhoods nearby expressed their opposition to the expressway, arguing that it would negatively affect their communities and asking why they weren’t consulted.

History of Druid Park graphic

The JFX & DPLD Exit ramps were under construction, from 1955-to 1962. Druid Park Lake Drive was intended to be used almost exclusively to reduce commute times for suburban dwellers who worked in downtown Baltimore. The construction also severed the historical connection to the Reservoir Hill and Mt. Royal Terrace neighborhoods below the iconic Moorish Tower. 

Black and white photo of large highway covered in snow

Between 1927 and 1964, Druid Park Lake Drive’s construction reduced the number of pedestrian access points to Druid Hill Park from 18 to just 5. Photos and information courtesy of Unknown Studio and Toole Design.

See also: The Big Jump, A safe and comfortable pedestrian and bicycle connection between and within the Reservoir Hill and Remington neighborhoods.

 Get Involved:

  • Bookmark this page for upcoming events (online and in-person)
  • Follow BCDOT on social media:

For additional information about the Druid Park Lake Drive Complete Streets Design Effort, contact:

Project Manager, BCDOT                                       Project Consultant, WSP
Will Ethridge, AICP                                                     Wes Mitchell, PE
City Planner II                                                             Senior Transportation Planning Manager
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