Be prepared to help keep the city safe this winter.  

During snowy times in Baltimore, everyone in the city plays a big part in keeping the sidewalks safe for people walking. It's super important to remove snow and ice from the sidewalks so that everyone can walk safely, especially near crosswalks. 

The city needs the help of people living in Baltimore to be kind, responsible, and aware. This means homeowners and businesses. It's important for everyone to clear the snow and ice from the sidewalks, making a path that's at least 2 feet wide. It's important to make sure the sidewalks are clear to be kind to everyone who needs to walk there. 

There are rules about snow removal, and if someone doesn’t clear the snow, they might get a fine. For homes, it's a $50 fine, and for businesses, it's a $100 fine. So it's important for everyone to do their part and keep the sidewalks clear for everyone's safety. The City reminds all property owners or occupants of property that: 

  • All snow and ice, which has accumulated on the adjacent public sidewalk, must be removed within 3 hours after the end of a snow or ice event unless the snowfall stops between 3 pm and 6 am, in which case snow must be removed by 11 am.  
  • Please exercise caution and care when shoveling, especially during extreme cold. 

If any property owner has concerns about sidewalk snow removal within 24 - 48 hours after the end of an accumulation, they should call 311. Residents may also call 311 to report locations that may be in violation of the City snow removal ordinance.