Interactive Web-Based HIV Education Tools

Over a million people in the USA and 35 million people worldwide have been diagnosed with HIV.  Once infected with HIV, there is no cure.  Avoiding premature death requires lifelong collaboration between people with HIV and their medical and social service providers.

The Baltimore City Health Department is pleased to offer online informational and self-management education for people living with HIV.  Positively! in English, and ¡Positivo! in Spanish, demonstrate why it is important to stay in care and on medication, communicated through patient testimonials, animation, and role-play. Auditory learners can read the script as they watch, and self-checks follow the segments. The core message, conveyed in plain language, is staying in care and adherent.

These video clips are designed as a resource for people with HIV, or to start discussions between HIV providers and their clients. They can also be shown in a waiting room.  For a fully interactive version click on the link below: