Kionne T. Abdul-Malik

(kee-YON-nee) (ab-DOOL-mah-LEEK)

Kionne is a West Baltimore native and founder of the lupus awareness and support organization, Found A Butterfly. She created the organization to be a support system for fellow lupus warriors. Her struggles and journey with lupus reveled a need not only for herself, but for others who struggle with the same disease. That need is a community that goes beyond awareness but into the realm of access, knowledge share, and holistic support. Found A Butterfly’s purpose is that holistic approach to support ‘Lupus Warriors’ mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, and financially.

In addition to her passion fueled organization, Kionne is a full-time government employee and student pursing her Master’s in Human-Centered Computing from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. She loves technology and people and look for ways to optimize experiences between both. Her work and training in User, Employee, and Customer Experience speaks to her desire to help people in many facets possible.

Kionne is a loving wife and mother who is actively involved in her son’s academic and athletic endeavors. She serves as a Team Mom for his youth football team and helps his Baltimore City elementary/middle school. Despite all that she has on her plate, she took the call to action to serve on the Women’s Commission for Baltimore City because she loves her city. Kionne believes that the path to a healthy and thriving city is through supporting its women. When women are supported, encouraged, loved, cultivated, and empowered, everything around them flourish. Kionne brings a story of hope, transformation, and determination to the commission and looks to share her time, talents, and efforts in helping the story of the women of Baltimore.