Meet the Members

Headshot of Miriam Carrion

Miriam Carrion, Vice Chair

A photograph of Carolyn Jewell

Carolyn Jewell, Secretary

Professional headshot of Tevis Simon

Tevis Simon

Professional photograph of Ciarra Miles

Ciarra Miles

Photograph of Ella Smothers

Ella Smothers

Headshot of Kionne Abdul Malik

Kionne Abdul Malik

A photograph of Rachel Marquez

Rachel Marquez

Professional headshot of Dr. Sarasi Desikan

Dr. Sarasi Desikan

Photograph of Robin Neverdon

Robin Neverdon

Headshot of Monica Mitchell

Monica Mitchell

Photograph of Gab Sussman outside with sunglasses on

Gab Sussman

Ana Rodney wears a blue top and blue glasses, smiling for the camera.

Ana Rodney

Headshot of Sarah Whaley

Sarah Whaley

Candace Everette

Casey Brent

Kimberly Haven

Lynda Davis

Stephany Sulbaran

Yasmin Karimian


The Women's Commission is made up of 19 members appointed by the Mayor in accordance with Article IV, Section 6 of the City Charter. The Mayor may also appoint members of the City Council or the Baltimore City delegation as non-voting members. A representative from the Office of Equity and Civil Rights and female members of the City Council are non-voting members. 

Members serve terms of four years, concurrent with the terms of the Mayor and City Council. Members serve without compensation but may be reimbursed for expenses. 


  • The Mayor shall appoint the Chair of the Women's Commission. 
  • Commission members may select officer roles and elect members to those roles as they see fit. 
  • The Chair of the Commission will select committees based on need and discussion with Commission members. 


Please review the document below for a list of subcommittees and their membership.

WC Subcommittee Membership.xlsx