Both the Complainant and the Respondent have rights and responsibilities. It is important that both parties are aware of these rights and responsibilities while they move through the Community Relations Commission Complaint Procedure.

Respondent Rights

Respondents have the right to...

  1. Know the particulars of the complaint being brought against them.
  2. Know the step-by-step process that the Community Relations Commission employs in resolving complaints of discrimination.
  3. Submit its defense of the complaint allegations.
  4. Provide witnesses to support their position.
  5. Be represented by legal counsel.
  6. Voluntarily settle the matter at any point during the proceedings.
Respondent Responsibilities

Respondent responsibilities include...

  1. Providing any information, including a written position statement and records, deemed necessary by the Community Relations Commission
  2. Not penalizing, in any way, complainants or witnesses because of their participation in the Commission's process.
  3. Honoring final agreements as they are reached.
Complainant Rights

If someone feels that they have experienced discrimination, they have the right to...

  1. File a complaint with the Baltimore Community Relations Commission
  2. Know his or her rights as defined by Article 4 of the City Code.
  3. Be free from harassment or penalties of any kind as a result of the complaint which has been filed.
  4. Has their case been decided in a fair and impartial manner?
Complainant Responsibilities

The Complainant has the responsibility of...

  1. Giving a factual account of the instance(s) that led to the decision to file a complaint.
  2. Swearing or affirming that the information presented is true.
  3. Honoring agreements, as appropriate.