Below are the steps in the complaint procedure followed by the Wage Commission. When you are ready, you can file your complaint online.

If you believe that you have not been paid the wage you are due, be it minimum wage, a living wage, or prevailing wage, and you work for an employer in Baltimore City with two or more employees, then you can file a complaint.  

If you are unsure about what wage you should be making or if you are owed a different wage, you can get help from a Compliance Officer of the Wage Commission.  Visit the Contact Us page.  

What Happens Next

After you file a complaint, a Compliance Officer with the Wage Commission will begin an investigation.  After the investigation, if there is reason to believe that you are owed wages, a letter will be sent to your employer about the owed wages.  

Important Points

  • Remember, a quality investigation takes time. Please be patient. Your case must be prepared so that it could stand up in court if necessary.  
  • You are protected in your right to file a complaint.  It is unlawful for anyone to harass, intimidate, or penalize you in any manner, or otherwise take action against you because you filed a complaint.  If you find yourself a target of harassment, notify the compliance officer assigned to your case.  
  • Details are important.  Try to remember all the details and report them to your compliance officer.  Do not try to decide for yourself what is or is not important.  Leave that to the specially trained compliance officer.  
  • Keep us aware of any changes in your address.  

Below you can begin the process of filing a complaint with the Wage Commission. Once completed, the form will be sent to the Wage Commission for review. All starred(*) fields need to be completed before the form can be submitted. 

 If you have a question for the Wage Commission, visit our Contact Us page