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The Civilian Review Board of Baltimore City is an independent agency in the city through which members of the public can issue a complaint against officers of various law enforcement units. The Civilian Review Board takes complaints that allege:

  • excessive force 
  • abusive language 
  • harassment
  • false arrest
  • false imprisonment 

The law enforcement units that the Civilian Review Board handles complaints for are:

  • the Baltimore City Police Department 
  • the Baltimore City School Police 
  • the Baltimore City Sheriff's Office 
  • the Baltimore Environmental Police 
  • the Police Force of the Baltimore City Community College
  • Police Force of Morgan State

The Civilian Review Board also reviews Police Department Procedures and makes recommendations to the Commissioner.

CRB Bylaws

CRB Bylaws Approved 2023.3.22.pdf


Board members are composed of a member of the public from each of the nine police districts in Baltimore City.  Members of the Board are selected by the Mayor and subject to the advice and consent of the City Council.  Also on the Commission as nonvoting members, are:

  • one representative of the Fraternal Order of Police 
  • one representative of the Vanguard Justice Society 
  • the Baltimore City Police Commissioner or the Commissioner's designee 
  • one representative of the American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland (ACLU) 
  • one representative of the Baltimore City National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).

Board Members

Natalie Novak, Chair, Northern District

Mel Currie, Southwestern District

Levi Zaslow, Northwestern District

Vacant, Central District

Vacant, Southern District

Vacant, Western District

Vacant, Eastern District 

Vacant, Southeastern District