The Civilian Review Board’s Police Complaint Mediation Program is designed to help resolve conflict and build a better understanding and relationship between Baltimore City Police Officers and residents of Baltimore.  The mediation process offers a safe space for both parties to discuss and resolve the complaint and aims to rebuild police and community relations.

Benefits of the Police Mediation Program

  • Both community members and officers can be heard and understood.
  • Face to face dialogue between community members and law enforcement officers
  • Community members and officers can work together to get a mutual understanding of the incident.
  • Empowerment of participants to play an active role in finding a solution to the complaint.
  • Improvement of community-police relations.

What is Mediation?

  • Voluntary
  • Confidential
  • Free

A participant-guided process. It helps the resident and the officer come to a resolution together. This helps to create understanding and improve relationships.

What complaints can be mediated?

Certain complaints of abusive language, false arrest, false imprisonment, and harassment filed with the Civilian Review Board may be eligible. Some complaints may be deemed ineligible for mediation. 

Mediation Process

  1. If a complaint is suitable for mediation, Community Mediation Baltimore will call the officer and the resident to see if they are interested. Mediation is voluntary, both parties must agree to participate. 
  2. Community Mediation Baltimore schedules the mediation for a time and date that works for both participants. The Mediation will take place in a location in the Resident’s neighborhood.
  3. Two trained mediators from Community Mediation Baltimore will mediate the session. 
  4. The mediators will ask each participant to address the conflict, explain the complaint and discuss how it affected them.
  5. Mediation can end in an agreement however, it is not required.
  6. The Mediation session does not last more than two hours; however, it may take less time or additional sessions may be scheduled.

Who mediates?

Mediations are conducted by the  Baltimore Community Mediation Center. The mediators are professionally trained for this program and are members of the Baltimore community.

For questions about mediation, please contact us at 410-396-3151 or email us here.