Modified Consent Decree (MCD) Phase II Plan

Since the introduction of the original Consent Decree (CD) in September 2022, the City of Baltimore (“the City” or “Baltimore City”) has substantially reduced the frequency and volume of Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs). Notable accomplishments include eliminating 60 out of 62 originally identified SSO structures; completing the Headworks Project; completing 34 out of 36 Phase I projects; and improving the hydraulic capacity at the Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant. Additionally, from 2010 to present, water samples taken from City receiving streams and the Inner Harbor have shown a trend of decreasing bacteria counts. The City has also implemented several programs that prioritize operation and maintenance activities such as targeted sewer cleaning, root control, and Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) management. Additionally, over the past three years, the City has experienced an approximate 93% reduction in recorded wet-weather SSO volume, which has contributed to the improved water quality in the receiving waters. These reduction trends will continue as the City progresses with ongoing projects and initiates additional initiatives as part of the Phase II Plan.

In parallel with the advanced maintenance-related program, the City is planning other capital projects to rehabilitate and replace sewer assets in basins that are most prone to extraneous Infiltration and Inflow (I/I) that contributes the greatest to SSOs. The goal of this approach is to rehabilitate or replace only assets with defects. In addition, the City plans to evaluate and potentially apply an optimized wet weather control strategy for its existing collection system and treatment facilities. The City believes that this will ultimately rebalance and optimize the performance of existing sewer systems to avoid flooding, reduce wet SSO volumes, and balance flows into the treatment plants during wet and dry weather conditions.

For more information regarding Phase II plans and activities, visit Modified Consent Decree (MCD) Phase II Plan

DPW has developed a Phase II Plan in compliance with the Modified Sanitary Sewer Consent Decree. 

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Review the Modified Consent Decree (MCD) Phase II Plan

Public comments

Public Comment Period for the MCD Phase II Plan closed on April 18, 2023.

Annual information session

On January 19, 2023, DPW held its Annual Information Session to update the public regarding the Department’s progress to meet the Sanitary Sewer Consent Decree over the past 12 months. To view presentations and materials from this session, please visit our virtual meeting room.

Upcoming Public Meetings

View the calendar

Publications, plans, reports, and meeting minutes


Public Information Session Comments 2-20-24


FY 23 Annual O & M Plan Update 12-7-23

Revised Emergency Response Plan Submitted 11-8-23

FY 23 Annual O & M Progress Report 11-1-23

Public Information Session Comments 2-17-23

MCD Phase II Plan Report 1-18-23




FY 22 Annual O& M Plan Update 11-30-22
FY 22 Annual O& M Progress Report 11-1-22
Revised Emergency Response Plan Submitted 9-16-22
--Final version submitted to regulators 9-15-22
Public Information Session Comments 2-18-22
Appendix E Report: Long-term plan for Building backups 1-31-22
--Final version submitted to regulators 1-25-22
Basement Backup Feasibility Study 1-21-22


FY 21 Annual O&M Plan Update 12-1-21
FY 21 Annual O& M Progress Report 11-1-21
Public Information Session Comments 2-20-21
FY20 Annual O&M Progress Report 2-20-21
FY20 O&M Plan Update-Revised 2-20-21
FY19 O&M Plan Update-Revised 2-20-21


Public Information Session Comments 2-23-20
O&M Plan Submitted 1-14-20
--Final Version submitted to the Regulators 11-27-2019
Annual O&M Progress Report 1-14-20
--Final Version submitted to the Regulators 12-21-2019


Public Information Session Comments 2-7-2019
Annual Public Meeting Presentation  1-23-2019


SDUO Plan Submitted 2-6-2018
--Final Version submitted to the Regulators 2-2-2018
Public Information Session Comments 2-1-2018
Annual Public Meeting Presentation 1-23-2018


SDUO Plan 12-20-2017
--Comments accepted until 1-20-2018
--Final Version submitted to the Regulators 2-20-18
--Regulator approved date 11-15-2018

O&M Plan 12-20-2017
--Comments accepted until 1-20-2018
--Final Version submitted to the Regulators 2-20-18
--Regulator approved date 11-15-2018

Review Quarterly Reports submitted to EPA and MDE under the Original and Modified Consent Decrees. 

Additional resources

About The Modified Consent Decree

The Modified Consent Decree (MCD) for Baltimore City’s sanitary sewer system was entered on October 6, 2017. The MCD requires additional rehabilitation to address sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) from the sanitary sewer system. SSOs may have multiple causes, including infrastructure failure, roots, or clogs in the sewer system. The rehabilitation effort involves cleaning, repair, and/or replacement of public sewer infrastructure and will be conducted over two (2) separate phases.

Review the Modified Consent Decree

Phases of work

Phase I is expected to eliminate 83% of SSO volume by January 1, 2021. 

Phase II will include additional necessary sewer rehabilitation projects that will be designed based on the impact of Phase I. The Phase II capital projects will be completed by December 31, 2030.

Water quality monitoring

The Department of Public Works performs water quality monitoring throughout Baltimore City and publishes the results online. An overview of these programs and historic sampling data is available on our Watching the Waters page.