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Tori's Story

Tori, a Baltimore native, faced unimaginable challenges during high school due to housing instability.

Often staying with family members or in her car, Tori constantly worried about having a safe place to lay her head at night. The stress of survival made it hard to focus on her studies, and she made the difficult decision to drop out in 12th grade to work full-time and provide for herself.

While Tori later earned her GED, she shared how something as simple as free school supplies would have eased the burden. No child should have to choose between school and survival—every youth deserves a safe place to call home.

Through gracious donations, MOHS was able to provide over 70 school-aged children in our shelter system with free school supplies this year.

Thank you, Tori, for sharing your story and advice on how we can better support youth experiencing homelessness or housing instability.

Hear from Tori: The difficulty of navigating school, work, and life as a youth experiencing housing instability.