Amendment to the 2019 Annual Action Plan for the Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS/HIV Grant for the Baltimore Eligible Metropolitan Statistical Area

In accordance with federal regulations covering the Consolidated Planning Process, this notice is hereby given of the intent to amend the 2019 Annual Action Plan.  The City’s Citizen Participation Plan requires the City to seek public comment on the proposed changes.  The public will have 30 days in which to comment. This comment period will begin Wednesday, April 20, 2022 and end on Friday, May 20, 2022.

This action involves modifying activities listed for HOPWA program funds.  The City proposes the following activity changes:

  1. HOPWA Program Year 2019:

The total amount of funds being reallocated is $299,069. The funds will be reallocated to assist with housing for HOPWA-eligible households in Baltimore City through Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) to serve 415 households.

Harford County HOPWA : $203,222.00 Formula Funds

Harford County is requesting to return the unused funds to Baltimore City.

Carroll County HOPWA : $65,031.00 Formula Funds

Carroll County is requesting to return the unused funds to Baltimore City.

University of Maryland Baltimore: $30,816 (STRMU)

University of Maryland Baltimore is requesting to return the unused funds in Supportive Services to Baltimore City.

  1. HOPWA-CV Program Year 2019

The total amount of funds being reallocated is $143,305. The funds will be reallocated to assist with for HOPWA-eligible households in Baltimore County through Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) to serve 143 households.

            Baltimore County HOPWA: $143,305 (STRMU)

Baltimore County is requesting to use funds to assist with for HOPWA-eligible households in Baltimore County through Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA).

Comments regarding these proposed activity changes must be submitted in writing to  D’Andra Pollard, HAP Program Manager. The deadline for written comments is Friday, May 20, 2022.

Mailing Address:         Mayor’s Office of Homeless Services - HOPWA

7 E. Redwood Street, 5th Floor

Baltimore, MD 21202


Email  Address:          D'Andra Pollard