What We Do

The Commission for Historical and Architectural Preservation (CHAP) was created in 1964. The Mayor appoints CHAP Commissioners and the Commission's staff work for the Department of Planning.  

CHAP's main goals are to preserve and revitalize neighborhoods. We honor and celebrate the history of the city, its architecture, and its citizens. CHAP's work improves the local economy and environmental sustainability.  

CHAP has designated 38 neighborhoods as local historic districts and more than 200 properties as landmarks. CHAP manages a tax credit program for restoring historic buildings. 

Did you know we're pursuing a new type of historic designation in the City? Find out how you can share your input, and get more CHAP updates on our Announcements page. 

Take Me There

CHAP's Responsibilities:  

  • Designate Baltimore City’s local historic districts and landmarks.  
  • Review proposals to demolish, add on to, or make exterior changes to Landmarks or properties in local historic districts.  
  • Provide advisory review for work on City-owned properties.  
  • Manage the Baltimore City Historic Restoration & Rehabilitation Tax Credit. 
  • Assist citizens with research about Baltimore's history, architecture, heritage, or archaeology. 
  • Conserve public outdoor sculptures and monuments.  
  • Document historic resources.  
  • Engage in advisory reviews for projects with federal or state funds or permits.  
  • Provide historic contexts and recommendations for City and neighborhood plans. 


Graffiti Fact Sheet


Climate Resiliency

More info

Conservation Districts

Conservation Districts

Commission for the Historical and Architectural Preservation Contact

Get In Touch

(410) 396-7526


417 East Fayette St., 8th floor
Baltimore, MD 21202

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