Baltimore Inventory of Historic Places

Is there a historic building, site or structure in Baltimore that has captured your eye but isn’t currently listed as a CHAP Landmark or on the National Register of Historic Places? Show your love for a significant, un-listed historic place by completing some basic historic documentation for the Baltimore City Inventory of Historic Places! 

Map of the historic places in Baltimore

What is the Baltimore City Inventory of Historic Places? It is a non-regulatory list of historic buildings that do not have the protections of CHAP and are not individually listed on the National Register of Historic Places. This list helps the Department of Planning better understand which buildings matter to you, and can be the basis for landmark designation.

This easy to complete form requires a brief history and description of the building along with clear color photographs. Add that information to the Baltimore City Inventory of Historic Places form and CHAP can add your beloved site to the Inventory. If you’re new to historic documentation, don’t worry, we have a some examples for you. If you’re not sure if your favorite site is already listed, you can ask the CHAP staff!