CHAP is pursuing a new type of historic designation and needs YOUR input!

The Commission for Historical and Architectural Preservation (CHAP) is pursuing the creation of a Historic Conservation District program for the City of Baltimore. Over the past several years, the Commission has heard from many community associations that are interested in historic designation that is less stringent in design review requirements than the current local historic district designation, and this is the Commission’s proposed solution. The Commission is seeking testimony from neighborhood associations, preservation advocates, citizens, and other stakeholders on ideas about creating this program.

At the October 10, 2023 CHAP hearing, CHAP staff will present a report on conservation districts including how they are used by other local municipalities throughout the country, and how a conservation district program might function in Baltimore. At the hearing, the Commission will take public testimony on the proposal to create this program. People may also submit their testimony ahead of time via email or letter. No decision will be made at this hearing. This hearing is the kick-off of the public engagement process for this initiative. 

Learn more about conservation districts.

Updated Information on the March 14, 2023 CHAP Hearing for the Demolition Application for the Hendler Creamery - 1100 E. Baltimore Street - Jonestown Historic District

Review materials from the March 14, 2023 CHAP Commission Hearing about the request to demolish the Hendler Creamery Building at 1100 East Baltimore Street in the Jonestown Historic District. Get more information.

Important Update on Appraisals for CHAP Historic Tax Credit Applications

Please note that due to a staffing shortage the city will no longer be providing appraisals for the CHAP Historic Tax Credit. Applicants will be required to provide their own.

The provided appraisal must;

  1. Be completed by a State of Maryland Certified Appraiser in Good Standing.
  2. Be completed in “as is” condition.
  3. For final certification projects, be completed within 90 days of the project being completed or issuance of the U&O.
  4. Indicate the Intended User to be:  The City of Baltimore Director of Finance.
  5. Indicate the Intended Use to be:  CHAP Tax Credit.

If you or the appraiser have any questions, you may refer to the addendum of the Rules and Regulations for guidance.

2020 Analysis of the Historic Tax Credit

Since the creation of the program in 1996, CHAP has believed that the city's historic tax credit would be an important tool to enhance the architectural, cultural, and economic value of the City. While the physical impact is easy to see, it was important for CHAP to measure the economic impact of the credit. In 2019, the Department of Planning hired PlaceEconomics to analyze the historic tax credit. The result, completed in the summer of 2020, is the following report; An Analysis of the Baltimore Historic Preservation Tax Credit. The report supports positive assumptions about the value of the credit and brings to light new information about the use and benefit of the credit in communities across the city.

CHAP Findings on 2216 Druid Hill Avenue (aka the Cab Calloway House)

In May 2019, the staff of the Commission for Historical and Architectural Preservation (CHAP) received requests to temporarily designate 2216 Druid Hill Avenue as a landmark to prevent demolition while people built a coalition to save it. The requestors informed staff that world-renowned entertainer Cab Calloway lived at this address during his youth in Baltimore. Following investigations by CHAP staff over several months in 2019, the Commission declined to pursue landmark designation for this property. Based on the findings of the staff’s in-depth research about Cab, his family, and their residences in Baltimore, 2216 Druid Hill Avenue is not recommended as the best site to honor Cab Calloway’s legacy in Baltimore. Instead, the staff has determined that other sites would be better to honor and celebrate the legacy of Blanche and Cab Calloway. CHAP staff is now working with its city partners, neighborhood stakeholders, and other partners to not only celebrate the legacy of Cab and Blanche Calloway but to celebrate the history and culture of this community. Read more about the Calloway's.