The deadline for this Request for Proposal (RFP) was October 26, 2020 at 4:00 pm.

The Mayor’s Office of Homeless Services (MOHS), on behalf of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, announces a grant award to provide Rapid Rehousing through the Emergency Solutions Grant-CV in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The City of Baltimore has allocated $6,904,284 to prepare, prevent or respond to COVID-19 among people who are experiencing homelessness through Rapid Rehousing. ESG-CV funds are functionally similar to Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funding.

Request for Proposal (RFP) Application & Budget
Bidder's Conference

MOHS hosted a Bidder's Conference on October 6, 2020.

Target Population

The proposed projects should serve individuals and families currently experiencing homelessness. Participants will be referred through Baltimore City’s Coordinated Access System, where households experiencing homelessness will be prioritized.  Special efforts should also be made to serve households that are at increased risk of severe illness due to COVID-19. In addition, to include individuals who are of color, seniors, individuals with multiple health conditions, who are pregnant or parenting, identify as LGBTQ, victims of sex trafficking and exploitation, or have lived experience in institutional settings.

Eligible Projects
ESG-CV RRH Funding Available
Funding & Project ScopeTypeDescription
Unit Count: 150+ householdsRapid Rehousing (RRH)The ESG-CV Rapid Rehousing Project will offer rapid rehousing rental assistance and support services. More information can be found in the RFP.
$6,904,284Total Amount of Funding Available. Proposed budgets and grant agreements will reflect a 2-year project period, and projects should anticipate funding to be spent down within 21 months). Seeking multiple providers.

Rapid Rehousing includes three primary components:

1.       Housing Identification

2.       Rental Assistance Administration

3.       Case management

Traditionally, RRH providers in Baltimore have been responsible for all three of these components.  In this RFP, MOHS is offering the opportunity for one or more entities to apply to conduct Housing Identification for the CoC. Why is MOHS offering this opportunity? First, the ESG-CV funds offer an opportunity for a one-time boost of RRH funds. Given the tight rental market, it may be advantageous for the program overall if one or more entities were able to secure most of the units for the program and make these available to other agencies. Competing for a limited pool of eligible units can drive rents up and is less efficient. 

MOHS would also like to encourage agencies to seek partnerships where one organization is responsible for the Case Management component and another agency is responsible for the Rental Assistance Administration (paying rent checks, determining rent amount, etc.). This structure allows each organization to specialize in its distinct activity and may allow additional providers to come on board to administer ESG-CV RRH.

The timeline is subject to change as needed to meet the goals and priorities of the Continuum of Care.  Any changes to the competition process or timeline will be posted to the CoC listserv and MOHS website.
September 25. 2020

RFP released

October 6, 2020

Bidder's Conference at 3:30 pm

October 26, 2020

DEADLINE: RFP must be submitted by 4:00 pm

November 2020

RFP review and scoring
Conditional award letters
Grant agreements and contracting with MOHS

December 2020

Project start date