Hire Up is a special job program for adults who live in Baltimore City looking for jobs. In this program, you can work for up to 6 months in a city office, business, or group. You'll earn $16 for every hour you work, and you'll work for at least 35 hours every week. Plus, you'll get extra help like finding the right career, legal advice, money advice, and support to find a job after the program. 

Hire Up participants can work with organizations that include: 

  • Mayor's Office of Employment Development
  • Downtown Partnership of Baltimore
  • Parking Authority
  • Department of Recreation & Parks
  • Department of Transportation
  • Department of Finance
  • Department of Public Works
  • Department of General Services
  • Downtown Partnership of Baltimore
  • Mayor's Office of African-American Male Engagement

Go to bit.ly/hireupjobs to apply to open Hire Up jobs. Call 410-396-1910 or email Hire.Up@baltimorecity.gov for more information.