A man dressed in a hard hat, safety vest,, and work gloves holds a large wrench.

The Baltimore City Mayor’s Office of Employment Development and Department of Public Works has partnered with the Chesapeake Water Environment Association to design and operate the YH2O Career Mentoring Program. YH2O is for Baltimore City residents, ages 18-24, who have a high school diploma or GED, are unemployed or underemployed, and, are not currently enrolled in a job training program or post-secondary education. Baltimore City is proud of the dozens of young men and women who have successfully completed YH2O since its inception in 2015.

What is YH2O?

YH2O is a program that prepares young adults to be employed in full-time jobs within the public works industry at the completion of the program. The goals of YH20 are to:

  • Educate Baltimore City young adults about the water industry and its career opportunities
  • Develop a pipeline of future workers with the right skills to fill entry-level positions in the public works industry

Past YH2O graduates have attained such DPW positions as Laborers, Community Aides, Operations Technician Apprentices, and Customer Care Analysts. The career mentoring program has expanded to include careers in other areas within the Department of Public Works including solid waste, and the internet technology sections.

Connect with us today!

YH2O is a collaboration among the Mayor’s Office of Employment Development, Department of Public Works and the Chesapeake Water Environment Association. Visit YH2O for more information or to submit an application.

Curtis Landen, Internship Coordinator
Youth Services Division, MOED
101 W. 24th Street, Baltimore, Md. 21218