Congratulations on getting a new job. Need help getting there? The Let’s Ride to Work program can help you.  

Let’s Ride to Work is a rideshare program for adult Baltimore City residents who are newly employed. Participants receive 40 Free Lyft Rides to and from work. The program also offers free career guidance and financial counseling.   

Let's Ride to Work is a great opportunity for residents to take advantage of jobs that aren't easy to get to. This free, door-to-door transportation will allow you to save more of your earnings to cover bills and future costs of travel to and from work.    

Participants must:  

  • Be a Baltimore City resident  
  • Have a job offer or newly employed in Baltimore City (within the past two weeks)  
  • Have a stated transportation need  
  • Work at least 32 hours per week  
How to register:  

To register for free Lyft Rides, fill out the MOED Ride to Work Form A member of our Let's Ride to Work staff will be in touch to help you start riding!   

Questions about Let's Ride to Work? Contact Nikki Reed at