
The Mayor’s Office of Employment Development (MOED) seeks responses to a Request for Proposals (RFP) from service providers working with Baltimore City youth. The selected organizations will offer occupational skills training for out-of-school youth and career pathways and work readiness training for in-school youth.

The RFP was released on January 31, 2024, and can be viewed on the MOED website at moed.baltimorecity.gov. A bidders’ conference will be held virtually on February 28, 2024. All correspondence including requests to register for the bidders’ conference or to receive the RFP directly should be directed to moedrfp@baltimorecity.gov.

Bidders must provide a digital copy of their proposal to moedrfp@baltimorecity.gov by 4:30 pm on April 4, 2024. Late submissions will not be accepted.
