MOHS Outreach Team


The Mayor’s Office of Homeless Services (MOHS), in collaboration with local partners, engages with people experiencing unsheltered homelessness across the City of Baltimore every single day.

“My deep empathy for individuals experiencing homelessness, rooted in my own lived experiences, further fuels my dedication to this cause,” said MOHS Homeless Outreach Program Manager Jessi Stevens. “We understand firsthand the challenges and barriers they [people experiencing homelessness] face, and we are committed to ensuring that their voices are heard and their needs are met. By approaching our work with compassion and understanding, we strive to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for those experiencing homelessness in Baltimore City.”

In January 2024, the Encampment Resolution Protocol was implemented as a standardized procedure in addressing encampments by ensuring that residents are connected to housing and supportive services. Outreach Teams are currently tracking 25 known encampment sites across the city, a 44% decrease from the number of encampment sites recorded in 2023.