This grant competition is now closed.

The Mayor’s Office of Homeless Services (MOHS) is requesting new and renewal project proposals from qualified organizations to provide services to individuals and families who are: (1) at-risk of homelessness, (2) currently homeless, and/or (3) living with HIV or AIDS.  Through the Consolidated Funding Application, programs may submit one application for funds and be considered for multiple eligible sources of funding that are administered by the MOHS.

The CFA is a competitive grant opportunity that draws funding from five sources:

  • U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development - Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG)
  • State of Maryland - Homeless Solutions Program
  • Baltimore City Department of Social Services
  • U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development - Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS/HIV (HOPWA)
  • Maryland Department of Health (MDH) – State Special Fund
Local Competition Process & Resources
Project Application Templates (posted 2/27/2020)
Budget Templates (updated 3/18/2020)

Programs awarded funding under this request for proposals will have a performance period of July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021 (City Fiscal Year 2021).


HSP Applications

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