Mobile Safety Center: The Mobile Safety Center (MSC) is available to visit your neighborhood or community event, as long as you are within the Baltimore City limits. We tailor our presentation and our services to work with children, parents, and caregivers only, older adults or mixed age groups. Our expertise is educating about the injury risks common in the home and what can be done to better protect people from unintentional injuries.

Mobile Safety Center red and white vehicle

Inside the MSC visitors learn about the common injury hazards that can be found in typical rooms within a home: kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, and stairway. Baltimore City Fire Department fire educators will lead visitors through a variety of interactive exhibits to learn how to prevent falls, burns, poisonings, strangulation and other unintended injuries in their homes and neighborhoods. We will work with you to determine if tours will focus on one or two topics or if they will be a review of all safety topics.

To have the CARE Mobile Safety Center at your event, please complete the MSC Request Form. Mobile Safety Center Event Request Form